Creative Ways To Deal With Your Anger

Anger is a powerful emotion. It can easily boil over into rage or frustration, which are two emotions that are never good to have in excess. This article will offer some creative ways for getting rid of anger when it arises. Some may seem too simple but they all work well and you should definitely give them a try!

The first way to deal with your anger is by writing down what’s bothering you on paper. You might not think this would work but it does! The act of putting pen to paper helps us get our thoughts out without the risk of saying something we regret later on because we know how much journaling has helped us before – trust me, there’s nothing wrong with venting your feelings onto the page.

Identify your anger trigger

Some common triggers for anger are when people break agreements, don’t do what they say they will, make you feel bad about yourself, insult you, compromise your safety, or otherwise let you down.

Try to figure out

I often feel too angry and frustrated to figure out what is bothering me. If you’re not sure why you’re angry, think about your mood and what you’re doing. For example, if you find that you don’t sleep well or eat enough, those might be reasons for your frustration.

If those things aren’t the cause of your anger, it could be a problem at work or your relationship with another person. Try to figure out what is upsetting you and then make a plan for how to deal with it. You can take deep breaths, go for a walk or talk about the issue with someone who will provide emotional support.

walk away from the situation

One way to deal with anger is to walk away from the situation. I was once getting really angry with someone about something that had just happened, and I realized that this would probably not be solved by being angry at them, so I decided to go for a walk. Often people are more open to talking about an issue when they’re calm rather than when they’re angry.

Change your mindset

Keep telling yourself that your anger is going to be better in 5 years, even if it’s a hard thing to believe. It sounds a little silly, but pretend you’re telling a child, and seeing them really believe it will help to make you feel better.

Challenge yourself

In doing this, push yourself outside of your comfort zone by doing things that make you feel uncomfortable or by trying new things. The more uncomfortable it is, the more your anger will dissipate. This can also include facing fears and stepping outside of your comfort zone by pushing yourself with activities that are out of the norm for you.

Acknowledge your feelings

Keep in mind that most people experience anger from time-to-time and this feeling can easily be replaced by other emotions. By facing your anger head-on, you are more likely to replace it with joy or acceptance.

Notice what triggers your anger

By identifying the situations that provoke your anger, you are better equipped to handle them when they happen again. This will not only help you deal with your own feelings but it will also help you to understand the feelings of others.

Do something nice

When you’re feeling angry, try doing something for someone else. Do a favor, go above and beyond expectations to show what you are capable of. This is an easy way to improve your mood because it helps you realize that there is more than just yourself in this world.

Heat or Cold

Similar to ice cubes, you can put your hands in warm water, sand, or even the dry sand of a hot sand bottle. Or if cold feels better, use an ice pack or an ice cube wrapped in cloth, frozen peas or anything cold that will do the trick.

Eat chocolate! This one may seem strange but the chemical, phenyl ethylamine (PEA), found in chocolate actually acts as a natural anti-anxiety medication. It increases the levels of endorphins, which are hormones that make you feel good.

Watch funny videos or do things that make you laugh This is similar to doing something nice for someone else. This is a great way to relieve stress and can also help change your mood.

Make time for yourself

Take short breaks during the day or schedule times where you can do something you enjoy, such as going for a walk, reading a book, watching television or spending time with friends and family. Also try taking up meditation and yoga, which are both ways to release anger.

Taking the time away from the stressful situation will allow you to think more clearly and replenish your energy. It can also help you figure out what is causing the stress in the first place.

Make sure you eat healthy Eating a nutritious diet can keep your body strong and balanced, which helps with staying positive.

Ask yourself

One must also ask oneself what they are feeling underneath the anger. Often times there is another emotion that needs to be addressed so don’t brush it off as just being angry all the time.

Part of facing our anger head-on is being open to examine if something else might be fueling our feelings, or if some other work needs to happen.

Getting acquainted with emotions and their appropriate expression will help you know when an appropriate time would be for your anger, instead of getting immediately frustrated even before anything has taken place – this may sound nitpicky but it’s not always about fully understanding or allowing ourselves permission for how we feel, sometimes it’s adjusting before the fact which makes a big difference in how things look afterwards on.

Take deep breaths

Take deep breaths and count to 10. A simple breathing technique that will help you release the tension from your muscles, help you to relax your body, and reduce feelings of panic or anger. Deep breathing is a powerful tool for stress reduction and is one of the most popular complimentary therapies.


Studies have found that people who exercise regularly have a reduced risk of depression.

Exercise can be a great way to get out some pent up anger and frustration. For example, a brisk jog can help you get a dose of endorphins going and release the negative energy from your body.

If going for a quick jog isn’t really your thing, try going for a long hike or even just running around an empty parking lot! It’ll take care of that feeling of aggression and allow you to burn off any extra energy.

If none of those sound like something you’re in the mood for, it’s always good to play some sort of sport! Just pick something you’re good at and will enjoy doing:

Talk with someone

Find someone to talk with. Speak about your feelings and express your thoughts on the issue. The purpose of this activity is to help you better articulate what’s bothering you and to come up with a more logical solution for the problem.

You can speak to anyone, such as a friend, family member, or counselor. It is possible that they will be able to relieve some of the stress that you’re feeling by simply listening.

Write down

Write down how you feel on paper or in an email that can be deleted later. Here are some ideas:

– tell a friend about your feelings and what is bothering you

– create an art piece to get out your feelings

– get a journal and write about how you feel

– give yourself a time out from your anger

– talk to someone who can help you, such as a counselor or a friend


different perspectives

The first thing you can do is to write down the anger inducing event on a piece of paper. Then, list three new perspectives on the same event and force yourself to think about what they’re feeling and why they’re feeling that way. The more perspectives you give, the more clarity you’ll get and the less angry you will feel. You can also try walking away from a problem or situation and then walking back to it with a different perspective.

Listen to music

Listening to music is a great way to calm your nerves and get back into a good mood. You can also use it as a form of exercise by dancing around your room or you could stomp up and down on some old pillows with a tennis racket if you have one.

Go for a drive

I have found that going for a drive with the windows down has been a great way to deal with my anger. It changes the scenery and other people’s perceptions of me.

something that makes you happy

Do something that makes you happy – like cooking or singing along with your favorite song.


Studies show that simply meditating – by focusing on your breath and then releasing it – can trigger the brain to release endorphins, which will make you feel physically better.

Take deep breaths- This is a natural way of calming down because the air we breathe sends oxygen to our brain and body. It has been shown to affect how we feel by altering neural connections in the brain stem. The increased CO2 levels also make it harder for muscles to constrict and tighten up. -Deep breathing not only triggers the parasympathetic response, but also gives us an opportunity to take time out from what just set off this rage or sadness that we’re experiencing right now.

Ask yourself if there’s something that could make you feel better- Sometimes, when your anger is boiling in the pit of your stomach and you feel that everything is useless because it didn’t work out for you to begin with, thinking about how you could make yourself feel better can actually help to reduce the anger.

Go to bed early

The best way to deal with any type of negative feelings is to sleep on them. Anger often causes people to be extra alert and energized, which means that they’re not able to get any rest. Going to bed earlier will allow you to get the rest that you need, letting anger subside so that it doesn’t affect you as much.

Talk with someone

Talk with someone who can help relieve stress – like talking with friends or family members, going to therapy, or joining a support group.


Anger often leads to negative consequences, but there are a few ways to deal with anger in a healthy way. For example, you can exercise if you’re feeling the rage coming on or try some other outlet like painting or drawing your feelings out. If those don’t work for you and only make matters worse, it’s time to talk about what is making you angry and how to change that situation. We hope these creative methods help as well as give insight into dealing with this emotion without resorting to violence! __If all of this sounds intimidating and want help enacting these principles let us know

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